Editor/Publisher Under the Weather ... News at 11 ...
One of the pitfalls of running a non-profit independent news publication with a still-shoestring budget is that there are times when the absence of key staff - in this case your faithful Editor/Publisher - is far more apparent than it would be in larger publications. While all of us at Open Media Boston work week-in and week-out to build ourselves up all big and strong and well-paid and stuff, fact of the matter is that we're still a one editor operation. So when I'm sick or out of town or run off to join (and quickly leave) some passing circus for a time, there's no other editor yet available to take up the slack. This week I have a bad cold - which is worse than usual because it's one of those most execrable of all colds, the bad summer cold. And naturally it strikes just as the weather gets nice. Whine whine whine. Anyhow, our latest edition will have to be rolled into the next one. Apologies all around, but a healthy Editor/Publisher is a productive Editor/Publisher. And that's what I'll be with a few days break. So I'll be back next news cycle in what will hopefully be better feather. And best of all, I won't be out in public spreading it to others as it was so thoughtfully spread to me. Just fyi ...
Sorry to read this Jason. Yes, summer colds are intolerable so I hope you can vanish yours very quickly. The rest of us will hang in here until then.
Sue Katz, author
Thanks But No Thanks: The Voter's Guide to Sarah Palin
Blog: Consenting Adult: www.suekatz.com
appreciate the note ... and yes, I'm back in the swing of things now ...