Open Media Boston: Puttering Along With Few Resources
Just a note to say that, as promised, Open Media Boston is still puttering along without a paid editorial staff. Jonny Adams and I are both working our new full-time jobs - in the corporate sector in his case, and in the higher education sector in mine - and we have a small group of paid reporters and regular volunteer contributors keeping us plied with two to four original news stories, living/arts articles and opinion pieces a week.
It's not an ideal arrangement, but it's working reasonably well. Essentially we're in a holding pattern until we see if our much-storied "Plan B" is going to come to fruition.
As always, we encourage talented journalists on the political left to step forward and work with us. We also extend our perennial invitation to progressive of all stripes to submit op-eds and critical essays to our Opinion and Radical Boston sections. And any funders that find our project interesting should certainly talk to us (although we'll save our seasonal funding pitch for next month).
That's the basic deal for now. Cheers to all.
Jason Pramas is Editor/Publisher of Open Media Boston, and an assistant professor of Communications at Lesley University.