Wrapup: First #OccupyBoston General Assembly
BOSTON/Boston Common - Over 300 people attended the first General Assembly of the #OccupyBoston movement last night at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common. Organizers - some of whom had never met in person prior to the event - set up on the bandstand and quickly explained a set of ground rules for having group discussions. Although a decision making system has not yet been fully agreed upon, the General Assembly was able to decide on setting up an encampment at Dewey Square in Boston's Financial District, and will set a start date for the encampment at the second General Assembly tonight at 6 p.m. back at the Parkman Bandstand.
Open Media Boston Special Events Unit Pool Photos
The attendees also set up several large working groups, including legal, outreach, media, food, and tactical.
The event was peaceful. There was a light police presence and no arrests.
Much more information over the coming days. Follow all the up-to-the-minute info on new OMB Special Events Unit's Storyful.com page.